Things I Love Lately

How to Raise a Feminist Son – This New York Times piece is not new, but I’m glad I came across it again this weekend.  I still agree (deeply, almost violently) with the points it makes. For years I’ve responded to well-meaning comments about being, as a working mother, a role model for my daughter, by saying “and for my son!”  I wrote about the importance of talking about the Brett Kavanaugh hearings with both our daughters and our sons.  I love the Gloria Steinem quote the article shares: “I’m glad we’ve begun to raise our daughters more like our sons, but it will never work until we raise our sons more like our daughters.” That’s how it works at our house.  At least that’s what we’re trying for. Amen.

Carrying the Ghosts of Lives Unlived – “We all have hinge points in our lives, jobs taken or not taken, relationships ended or begun. We’re all living our regular lives, where our choices and actions have real consequences. But sometimes we carry in our minds the ghosts of other lives we might have had.”  Indeed.  Don’t you know this feeling, of once in a while thinking about that other, alternative life, full of its own glories and pains?

The 23 Most Unforgettable Last Sentences in Fiction – Ron Charles’ beautiful list includes some of my favorites, too (which I wrote about here, and which serve as a counterpoint of sorts to my fascination with the dedications in books). Just beautiful.  My favorite, I think, is the last sentence of Beloved.

Brandless – I stumbled upon this site and have ordered twice now, some kitchen staples, a few cleaning products.  I love what they stand for and love the simplicity of their aesthetic, too.  Highly recommend.

I write these Things I Love posts approximately monthly.  You can find them all here.


2 thoughts on “Things I Love Lately”

  1. We have one daughter and three sons, and I’m with you on the “and my son!” part. The oldest took a Women & Gender Studies class in his first semester at college last year, which was fun to hear about. 🙂

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