Things I Love Lately

Seven Signs You’re Overparenting – I don’t generally love instructive posts about parenting, but I find this one illuminating.  Helicoptering is so pervasive as to be almost passe now, but I love the concrete behaviors this writer identifies to help us parents understand what it really means.

Unsolicited Advice I’m Sharing with My Three Sons – Agreed on the coffee!  Also on the notion of collecting words, the power of being self-deprecating, the mentors, the truth, and having children.

My Favorite Vacation: Summer Camp – Dominique Browning on the power of summer camp made me both smile and wipe away tears.  Anyone reading here knows I worship(ped) camp and enjoy watching my children there now.  “And this is being a grown-up camper in the world, forever young enough to wonder at the mystery and magic and pleasure of it all.”  Amen. May we all stay forever young (Forever Young is a song that reminds me, incidentally, of camp).

Before the Fall – I can’t put Noah Hawley’s book down.

Grace and Whit are off to camp tomorrow. There are some pre-drop-off jitters at our house.  I’m thinking back to Michael Thompson’s Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow and reminding myself this is precisely why they go.

I write these Things I Love posts approximately monthly.  You can find them all here.

2 thoughts on “Things I Love Lately”

  1. Charlotte just came home from a month at camp. I’m a believer. We are fully in re-entry mode which is always…interesting! Good luck with drop off!

  2. Oooh, checking out the parenting one for sure as I’ve also strayed far from those articles yet this one sounds interesting.

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