My patron saints

I adore this post by Gretchen Rubin in which she names her patron saints.

I’ve been thinking a lot about who my patron saints are.  I find this exercise quite difficult!  A few who come to mind quickly:

Annie Dillard – observant, grateful, wise

Anne Lamott – funny, irreverent, prolific

Georgia O’Keeffe – fierce, brave, celebrator of femininity and of the sky

Joan of Arc – intrepid, heroic, certain

Marie Curie – brilliant, fearless, possessed of power and wounds that came from the same source

Who are your patron saints?

15 thoughts on “My patron saints”

  1. Terry Gross, Diane Keaton and Ira Glass come immediately to mind. There are many more, and I’m hoping they creep into my consciousness as this day unfolds.

  2. What a cool question! The first name that popped into my head was Shirley Chisholm. And then Rachel Carson. Mary Oliver. Carol Burnett. OK, must stop now…if I can.

  3. Joan Didion. Rosa Parks. Mary Oliver. Jimmy Carter. But mostly I love this post because I married a guy who luvvvvs his patron saints. Our Household Gods, we call them, and there are many. Which means my children could pick a picture of Dimitri Shostakovitch out of a lineup before they were 3. So it goes…

  4. I’m catching up on my Blog Lovin’ Feed, so please forgive me for being late with my comment. I love this (and also love Anne Lamott!). Can I borrow this (with credit of course;)? I’d love to ask my readers the same question.

  5. Krista Tippet, Brene Brown, The Dalai Lama, Elizabeth Bennet, Frida Kahlo. A bit random but those are the names that popped up. I love this question and will have to think on it a bit more. =)

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