Things I Love Lately

Helen Boggess – I’ve been following Helen Boggess’s beautiful work on Instagram for a while, and find myself adoring the words she shares and the gorgeous art she creates to showcase them.  I recently asked Helen to do a custom piece for me and in so doing stumbled upon this Tumblr of her work, which is a great place to lose yourself for hours.  It’s titled with a quote I haven’t heard before and which I love” “Where I create, there I am true” (Rilke).

Parenting, Not for the Moment, but for the Long Haul – I adore this piece of Jess Lahey’s in the New York Times.  I pay so much attention to the individual moments of my ordinary life here, and holding them up to the light, see their shimmer, but I also appreciate Jess’s wise and compelling reminder that the long arc of perspective is useful too.  I love her last sentence, and the way she calmly assures me that my children will be fine.  I want to celebrate their wandering, and she helps me do that.

The Thrive Portrait Project – I found Karen Walrond’s beautiful project through Asha Dornfest (who in part inspired my post last week about how everything is changing).  Karen’s project aims to photograph women over 40 and capture what it means to them to thrive in their lives.  The photographs are mesmerizing and the words are immensely powerful.  I’m in my 40s now too, and I really resonate with the concept that these can be fruitful, passionate, blazing years.

Everything You Ever Wanted – I’ve had terrible insomnia lately (not something I love at all) and Jillian Lauren’s memoir was a wonderful companion in the lonely early morning hours.  I was fortunate to hear Jillian read at my friend Aidan‘s house last month, and this book is as marvelous as she is in person: funny, warm, wise, and down to earth at the same time.  Jillian’s story reminds us that sometimes the path doesn’t look anything like we imagined, but it still gets us exactly where we need to go.

What Do You Believe In? – This post from Nici at Dig This Chick gave me goosebumps because I read it the morning after I published a post specifically about what I believe.  I also made me cry with its truth, the way it sweepingly embraces what was, what might have been, and what is.  “I believe in feeling all the feelings. I believe in big dreams and small movements. I believe in seasons, skipping stones, skiing, strawberries, saying yes, swimming, sleep, sunrise, snuggling and swing dancing. I believe what you believe. I believe in you.”

What are you reading, thinking about, and loving lately?

I write these Things I Love posts approximately monthly.  You can find them all here.

10 thoughts on “Things I Love Lately”

  1. Loving lately — playing Monopoly with the kids, saying yes to things I usually say no to, reading in bed in the morning and drinking as much coffee as I feel like. I’m sorry you have had insomnia & hope things sort out soon. What about a day trip to Walden to recenter?

  2. Good idea. Sadly I can’t get away this week but am hoping a weekend in Marion helps reorient me. xoxox

  3. I read Elizabeth Alexander’s book “The Light of the World” this week and it’s still haunting me. Such a beautiful love story. I borrowed it from the library but feel I need to have it on my shelf with my other favourites.

  4. I recently read The Light of the World too and I adored it. So beautiful, so moving, so gorgeously written. xox

  5. I really enjoyed that piece by Jess Lahey, it’s a great reminder to keep the bigger picture in mind. I often get dragged into silly power struggles with my kids, and usually end up thinking: this really isn’t that important. It’s hard sometimes, though, to remeber that!

    I’m currently reading and loving The Conscious Parent by Shefali Tsabury. It’s different from a lot of the parenting books I’ve read in that it focuses more on the parent changing their outlook, and viewing parenting as a spiritual journey, with the kids as our teachers. It’s slowly shifting my mindset, in a good way!

  6. Thanks again, I loved Nici’s post-reminded me of my own son’s time in a NICU and how I was so scared to take photos, but also scared not to. I hope you get some rest soon.

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