The Space Between

Dad’s abiding faith in the life of the rational mind is matched by his profound wonder at the power of the ineffable, the territory of religious belief, that which is beyond the intellect. I grew up in the space between these two seemingly opposite poles, and instinctively understood the ways in which their paradox could be understood as both opposite and utterly meshed.

Dad introduced me — never explicitly, but through the example of his passions — to the fact that something can be true and its opposite can also be true. Dad was the one who taught me about life’s ability to hold two poles in one hand. Even more, he taught me that often life insisted on that.

I’m delighted to share my first piece on Medium, The Space Between.  I’d love if you would click over to read but also to explore the site, which seems jammed with wonderful writing.  Thank you to Allison for teaching me about it.  I fell in love after I read this piece by Kelly Corrigan, which includes her trademark mix of humor and wisdom.

1 thought on “The Space Between”

  1. That was a beautiful piece, Lindsey. And especially appropriate as Father’s Day approaches.

    I don’t quite understand the benefit of Medium. You will have to teach me!

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