an arms-outstretched yes to it all

unnamedKristin Noelle’s blog, Trust Tending, has been one of my must-reads for several years.  I love what Kristin shares about all the ways in which we can protect, nourish, and grow trust in our lives.  Kristin’s work – both her writing and her illustrations (which I’ve always particularly loved) – exudes a kind of lambent, hard-won ease in the world that I deeply admire and to which I aspire.

Kristin’s latest offering, called Blessings, is a free series of illustrations.  Blessings are an opportunity to taste, for free, the work that Kristin will be offering all year, through themed illustrations on love, grief, parenting, money, and more.  I’m honored to share one here: isn’t it marvelous?  I have made this the wallpaper on my computer and look forward to looking at it, all day, every day.

Thank you, Kristin: may we all approach 2014 with wonder, and each welcome that shock of grace that you so beautifully evoke.


6 thoughts on “an arms-outstretched yes to it all”

  1. Thanks for sharing. I love this, so open hearted, an approach that many of us lose as we age and feel the need to protect ourselves.

  2. Love these words. What a mantra to keep in mind throughout the year. I don’t know about you, but there are always points during the year when I find myself stuck between where I am and where I’m going/hope to go. I might just need to tuck this away for those times!

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