The most fear I have ever known

Today I am honored to be posting at Jessica Vealitzek’s blog, True Stories.  I met Jessica through our collaboration on Great New Books, and I’ve loved reading her work (and she has a novel coming out!).  She asked me to write on the topic of when I was the most scared. 

It was hard to think of one, to be honest.  Outrunning an avalanche on skis in the Swiss Alps as a child?  Yes.  Having a spinal tap not once but twice, just this past January?  Yes.  When I thought I had a neurological condition twelve years ago?  Yes.

I thought about this one for a long time.  And when I figured it out, the words poured out of me.  I wrote about a fear, and a pain, that was both incendiary and incandescent.  One that made me question everything I thought I knew for sure.

Please come over to Jessica’s site to read my short piece about the most scared I have ever been.


2 thoughts on “The most fear I have ever known”

  1. I loved your piece! And that’s a HARD one to answer. I don’t know what I would say – how I would even answer the question – it would definitely take a whole lot of soul searching. Your essay was/is beautiful. As always. And so is Grace. xox

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