My poetry shelf


The living room repaint resulted in some joyful discoveries, some weeding-out, and a happy reunion with books I haven’t opened in a long time.  This is my poetry shelf.  It’s far from complete, but you can see Mary Oliver (lots and lots), Jane Kenyon, Jena Strong, Naomi Shihab Nye, Stanley Kunitz, Sharon Olds, Erica Jong, ee cummings, Ranier Maria Rilke, Maxine Kumin, Adrienne Rich, Anne Sexton, and Wallace Stevens.  Curiously, Wendell Berry is missing; I need to find out where his books ended up.  You can also see my much-loved and heavily-annotated Norton anthologies from college.  I think this is my favorite shelf.

9 thoughts on “My poetry shelf”

  1. I love this glance into your reading life. My husband got me a book of Maxine Kumin’s poetry for my last birthday. It’s been sitting on my shelf, but I think it’s about time that I finally dove in. Also, you have motivated me to gather all my poetry into one place!

  2. Oh, yes! She’s a New Hampshire poet which you may relate to. She is one of the three poets on whom I wrote my senior thesis in college (along with Sexton and Rich) and so I am very familiar with her work. Wonderful.

  3. Love this… Pablo Neruda is my hands-down favorite, but I think you knew that. 😉

    I love that you’re taking a break and sharing more photos and words for YOU, but selfishly, I miss your words and look forward to their return – to your return.


  4. Love your poetry shelf. I have Mary Oliver on mine.
    I was just reading her new collection last night.

    You know, I went to my shelf to take a look at her book and realized that my copy of Wendell Berry is missing also! Maybe there’s a Wendell Berry book thief casing the area. 😉

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