The realm of the stars

I want to feel both the beauty and the pain of the age we are living in.  I want to survive my life without becoming numb.  I want to speak and comprehend words of the wounding without having these words become the landscape where I dwell.  I want to possess a light touch that can elevate darkness to the realm of the stars…..

Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy.  The birds still remember what we have forgotten, that the world is meant to be celebrated.

– Terry Tempest Williams, When Women Were Birds

9 thoughts on “The realm of the stars”

  1. I ADORED it. Loved. It is prose poetry, in my opinion. I am reading Finding Beauty in the Broken World right now (which strikes me as almost a mission statement for my life). xox

  2. I relate so to your post today as I am a sensitive soul also. I love how you relate in such a beautiful way to the broken world as well as hold the joy in life. Too many turn their backs and can’t look or feel the pain and broken heartedness that surrounds us. What a joy to remember the birds and to be a help to healing the world with our joy. You joy is very evident in your posts. I see in you a very deep awarness of what is Real and love your ability to be with the questions. Love Rilke’s quote about that.

  3. Thank you so, so much for saying this. I really appreciate it. Sometimes people tell me my writing is overly sad, which always surprises me since I feel so much joy. It’s wonderful to know that that is visible to you. xox

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