Photo Wednesday 42

Whit baseball

Monday was Opening Day.  It was freezing (I was wearing six layers), frustrating (Whit only batted once), and fun (the team is just starting to coalesce).  Here’s to a great season.

6 thoughts on “Photo Wednesday 42”

  1. Oh, those little gray baseball pants on little skinny boy legs! I think we went through 12 sizes of those before we were through.

    And yeah, there’s the cold I know how to dress for (skiing in sub-zero temps, for example) and the wet spring chill that goes straight to your bones, standing around, watching baseball. The fact that I sometimes wore clogs without socks had something to do with it…

    Eventually, I put a sleeping bag and an extra parka in the back of the car. Pretty sure they came in handy in June, from time to time.

    It’ll get better. If nothing else, the ice cream truck will come. And some day, something miraculously approaching actual baseball will happen on Whit’s watch, and it’ll be glorious.

  2. This is the first year my son hasn’t done Little League, and I miss it terribly. Enjoy every moment!

  3. So, so sweet and adorable! Okay, this a completely random tangent, but how does one go from being a sort of non-sports-enthusiast to (inevitably!) attending every game and cheering from the sidelines when that person has a boy? (Clearly talking about myself 🙂

    My baby boy is only one, so I have time! But I don’t want him to only share whatever sport he’ll (likely) decide to take up with his dad, just because Dad loves sports. (And mom loves ballet 🙂 Maybe I’m overthinking this (probably). Maybe, like everything else “parent,” you get so excited to see your kid excited that it doesn’t matter whether they’re playing baseball or tuba.

    Thanks for letting me ramble here. I should write a blog post about this instead of mucking up your comment section! xox

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