Photo Wednesday 17

One of the things I have long emphasized with Grace and Whit is acknowledging cars that stop for you to cross.  To the point where other children have asked mine why they are waving at strange cars.  Still, I think that small recognition goes a long way towards a more humane day.  I loved these crosswalks, painted on the streets at the boarding school near my parents’ house.  Love.

3 thoughts on “Photo Wednesday 17”

  1. Absolutely! Mine do that too! … however, they also yell at the those that don’t stop when we are in a crosswalk. I have no idea where they learned to do the latter! 😉

  2. Kindred. I do the same and my kids do, too. I’d love to see the lot of us crossing the street and waving like crazy.

    And love this photo. It’s perfect. xo

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