Leaving camp

Saying goodbye to a second-generation BFF at camp.  This year there were far more tears at departure than at arrival. Just as it should be. Now: planning our winter-time visits!

All I can think of is the lyrics to a song I’ll know deep in my bones for the rest of my life, the song with which we ended all assemblies at camp.

The lines which I know by heart, with which each of my many camp seasons drew to a close, run through my head:

Dear God, I’m leaving camp.  Give me the afterglow.

5 thoughts on “Leaving camp”

  1. I love all the pictures and posts you have shared about camp. They all take me instantly back to my ten incredible years as a camper and counselor at a camp in Northern Ontario that remains one of my most favorite places. Glad Grace had such a great time. These are the years and experiences that she will, like you did, remember for the rest of her life.

  2. I’m in love with this tradition of summer camp. On my summer travels, I was talking about just this type of experience with a family from New York (they were traveling as we were, but their tween son was at his summer camp). It seems to be a such an East Coast tradition. No one I know here on the West Coast does this type of long-term summer camp experience, and yet several friends in your part of the US do. Very interesting to me.

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