
This boy.

This boy has two brown-eyed parents and four brown-eyed grandparents.

And those blue eyes.

(also, a continuing passion for mardi gras beads)

I can’t tell you how many people say, jokingly, “Hmmm … the mailman?” Each time, I ask, with varying degrees of patience, if the commenter remembers the basics of dominant and recessive genes.

This reminds me of my friend who has boy/girl twins. She told me she gets asked, at least once a week, if they are identical. To which she responds, well, there’s that pesky matter of gender …

I guess most people were just not paying attention when their junior high science teacher covered Mendel’s peas. To me, this was one of the most fascinating parts of school. But then again, I’ve always been a science nerd.

I’ve always loved the blue of my blog header. Cornflower blue, hydrangea blue, sky blue. Maybe all along I have subconsciously been seeking the color of Whit’s eyes.

8 thoughts on “Genetics”

  1. Isn’t that funny how people just…make comments like that =) I’m not much of a science person (not that I don’t like it, it’s just a little complicated for my creative brain), but I’ve always been fascinated by genetics and dominant/recessive genes. I wonder how we get just that much of daddy’s nose and mommy’s lips (and blue eyes that seems to come from no one). I do beleive your Whit brings you more than meets the eye.

    Thanks for sharing this =)

  2. His eyes are stunning. Mesmerizing. Indeed, you’ve found your blue.

    p.s. Both my parents have dark hair and brown/hazel eyes. All four of their children have bright blue eyes. And one of the four (that would be me) was born a red head. My mom got the milk man comment a lot too. 🙂

  3. So funny that you are getting asked the question about the mailman. Same here! Not because of the eyes, though, but because of the hair color. I have brown hair, my husband has very dark blond hair. 2 of my 3 kids are almost white blond. People ask me regularly how that is possible, and I’m really sick of explaining them that my husband was that white blond as a kid, too, and has become darker with age. This is so annoying!

  4. I have the exact opposite problem. We are an adoptive family, and I regularly get asked about if my son got some trait from me or my husband. Mind you, this is from people who know he’s adopted. People don’t think. Sometimes it’s kind of funny, though.

  5. I absolutely loved the genetics section of biology. LOVED IT!

    I am asked daily where the read hair comes from (in Ella and Henry). 🙂

    His blue eyes are gorgeous.

  6. Oh my…those eyes. Wow.

    This doesn’t really have anything to do with true genetic science and its details, but my husband and his twin brother who could not look more identical have always been asked if they’re twins. I can see how people want to be sure before assuming, but…yeah, I think people so often forget to pause a minute before…speaking 🙂

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