Sunlight and Snow

The sunlight on the garden
Hardens and grows cold
We cannot cage the minute
Within its net of gold

-Louis MacNeice

Snow everywhere this morning. And a gorgeous, albeit cold light. This poem was in my head from when I first looked out the window. Why is it that I can’t remember major, important things but certain poems and quotations are imprinted on my memory, floating to the surface from time to time and insistently rendering themselves onto my consciousness?

3 thoughts on “Sunlight and Snow”

  1. Perhaps because your brilliance shows in remembering those quotes!

    Okay, okay. Too sleep deprived to make any sense :).

    I find that those little things I often forget (like the perfect word when I am in the middle of a conversation with someone) can be the most frustrating moments in my day. Especially when it happens repeatedly in an hour.

    Lovely poem, by the way.

  2. The ability to retain evocative poems and quotes for just the right time like this morning is a gift. No need to question it. Revel in it!

  3. So beautiful. The snow caught us all a little off guard last night/this morning, but it was gorgeous.

    I completely understand, I find myself remembering bits of other peoples writing when my mind is so full of daily stuff…

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