A few brief passages from Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott.

“Sometimes Grace works like water wings when you feel you are sinking.”

“We’re invited more deeply into this mystery on a daily basis, to be here as one-of; a mess like everyone else, and not in charge. That’s why we hate it.”

“I took it personally, as I do everything – I can’t seem to learn how not to, or at any rate, I’m the slowest learner in the class.”

“I loved him intimately, sight unseen. yet when he lay on my chest for the first time, part of me felt as if someone had given me a Martian baby to raise, or a Martian puppy. And I had no owner’s manual, no energy, no clue as to what I was supposed to do. The other part of me felt as though I were holding my own soul. Now, all these years later, this still pretty much says it.”

“A friend once told me that while fear and confusion often swirl around us, faith is straight ahead: I trusted that even though I didn’t know a thing about taking care of infants, toddlers, kids, or teenagers, I would be shown the next right step on a need-to-know basis…. [though] I thought there would be a little more downtime. That’s a good one.”

“my friend said to approach my relationship with Sam like a frozen gym membership, where I am taking a break. So far, I have not pushed him down the stairs, which during rough patches passes for grace around here. This falls short of the heavenly banquet, but some days will have to do.”

Spent the day in Marion. Guess which fun-filled afternoon was mine: sailing in the brilliant sunshine, or driving with a sleeping child? Yep, you guessed it. Grace, however, is eerily at home in a Mount Gay hat, down below in a gale, and lashed to the lifelines of the boat. Pretty easy to imagine her with cocktail in hand, which is both frightening and awesome.

My father uttered one of his classic lines today: “We always told you and Hilary that two words separated us from the masses: ‘may’ and ‘well.'” Confirming that I come by my Grammar Girl moniker honestly.

Another baby in the family!

Baby BOY Scully
6 lbs 3 oz

Born in New York, at a birth center, and attended by a midwife.

I like white wine on the rocks and ice cold (and took some serious crap from Chris in Sea Island when I reached my hand into my water and scooped out some ice to dump into my wine – have a feeling it wasn’t my standard $8 Trader Joe’s bottle) but I like water room temperature and without ice.


That’s about the level of insight I’m operating at tonight. Time for bed. Am reading Grace (Eventually) by Annie Lamott and will have some good quotes soon – it’s amazing. Also reading The Post Birthday World on Jessica’s recommendation, very interesting. It describes a pivotal moment in a woman’s life – a single moment, a fulcrum on which the rest of a life turns. The book describes both outcomes, and articulately elucidates that no eventuality is perfect, no single choice is unequivocally the right one.

These children are simply delicious lately. Possibly because I was away from them for three days?!